
What is an App ?

An app (or application) is the way a user can manage his APIs credentials.

It is identified by a unique Client Id and Client Secret generated by the system.

How do I register an application?

When you add an application you are provided with an API Key and Secret for the application. You must supply these credentials when you call an API that requires you to authenticate your application.

To register an application click on Apps in the main menu and then click on the 'Create new app' link. Once you have provided an application name, description, etc you will be shown your application API Key and Secret.

Make a note of your API Secret because it is only displayed once.

How many applications can a user create ?

There is no limit on the number of applications you create.

Can I use the same name for two different apps ?

Yes, you can.

How can I update my application image in the portal ?

Go to the Apps tab, click on the app whose image needs to be updated; click on Edit Application and update the image.

Can I change my application name/ description after registering with OneLinQ ?

Yes. You can update app name/description as many times as needed.

What is a Client Secret and Client ID?

After registering your app, you will receive a Client ID and a Client secret.

The Client ID is considered public information, and is used to access AIS PIS APIs.

The Client secret must be kept confidential.

Where can I find the Client credentials/ retrieve it?

Login to API portal and click on the APPs tab. On apps if you have already created an app then you can see the Client ID of that app in that app page.

Note: Client Secret is visible only after you create the app.

How is OAuth token linked with Client ID and Client Secret?

If two or more sets of Client credentials are added to an application, OAuth tokens are not shared between them; each client credential set uses a different OAuth token.

How many Client Secrets can be created for a single application?

There will be only one Client ID and Client Secret for an app. But Client Secret can be reset infinite times.

How do I reset my application API Secret?

Your API Secret is stored encrypted so we cannot retrieve the unencrypted version to tell you the value if you forget it.

You can reset it, which will update the stored value and return the new value to you.

To do that click 'Apps' in the main menu, click on the application in question and then you can click the 'Reset' link in the 'API Secret' section.

Your new Secret will be displayed at the top of the page.

How do I see my API usage?

The numbers of requests, for different APIs, that your application has made are shown on your application page.

Click 'Apps' in the main menu and then click on your application. Under 'Subscribed Plans' you will see all plans your application is subscribed to. 

For each API contained in that plan you can see the usage compared to the rate limit of the plan.